5260 Longley Lane
Reno, NV 89511

League Sign Ups are OPEN!

Sign ups are open for our next league series! This series we will be offering the following leagues:

Monday Nights: Bowhunter League– 15 Paper animal targets 2 arrows at each. League starts April 8th

Tuesday Nights: Team NFAA 300 League– Archers will be assigned to teams and compete in a 60 arrow NFAA Round. League starts April 16th.

Thursday Nights: Intro NFAA 300 League-This league is designed for archers new to league shooting or archery in general. All styles of archers are welcome from bare bow to recurves to compounds. Targets will vary according to style. League Starts April 18th.

All leagues will run for 10 Weeks. League sign up fee is $35.00 and weekly shooting fee is $10.00 per week.

Cash awards and prizes for the top shooters of each league.


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